Psychosynthesis is an integrative transpersonal psychology that offers a therapeutic approach derived from Psychoanalysis focusing on personal growth and development.
This model was founded by Italian psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli (1964), a contemporary of Sigmund Freud (founder of Psychoanalysis 1896) and Carl Jung (founder of Analytical Psychology 1912).
Roberto Assagioli was not only a psychiatrist but also a medical doctor, a psychoanalyst, a linguist holding a wealth of knowledge and experience. His knowledge of Sanskrit meant that he was able to read the Vedas (the ancient texts of India) informing his own belief system and practices. Esoteric movement and spiritual traditions fascinated him.
His experience in Psychotherapy felt incomplete as he believed a height and depth psychology was needed underpinned by his view that not only does our history shape us, but so does our innate potential. Put another way, while our childhood experience affects our present living, we also have within us the vast human potential for healing and change. He considered difficulties in life not simply as problems to be solved but more as signals or ‘signposts’ that, if followed, explored and worked through will lead us to living a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
Psychosynthesis then draws upon both Western Psychology and Eastern philosophy and mysticism holding a broader holistic context which points towards Self Realisation and Self Actualisation.
Psychosynthesis defines the energy propelling us towards growth and manifestation as coming directly from our Will. Thus, the journey of Psychosynthesis therapy involves releasing this energy, which can often be trapped in old patterns and thoughts, stopping us from realising our true potential.
This psycho-spiritual aspect denotes that there is a spiritual element to life which can be manifested in many different ways. This spiritual element is our core essential being, the Self.
Psychosynthesis holds each person as a spiritual Self, which means that we are truly personal and individual yet at the same time absolutely connected to all living things. In this context of the Self, the Will of Self propels an inherent search for who we are and the desire to be the best we can be and to find meaning and purpose.
During an interview, Assagioli was asked, what the major differences between psychosynthesis and psychoanalysis were? He replied, We pay far more attention to the higher unconscious and to the development of the transpersonal self. In one of his Freud said, “I am interested only in the basement of the human being." Psychosynthesis is interested in the whole building. We try to build an elevator which will allow a person access to every level of his personality. After all, a building with only a basement is very limited. We want to open up the terrace where you can sunbathe or look at the stars. Our concern is the synthesis of all areas of the personality. That means psychosynthesis is holistic, global and inclusive.

“The mind is brought into harmony with the spirit and includes the body, achieving an organic, harmonious unity of all aspects of the person's being, what we might call 'bio-psychosynthesis'. This is true spiritual alchemy"
Roberto Assagioli